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     It wasn't long before the three of them reached a small village. However, it was unlike any place Kirby had ever been in his memory. In fact, if he hadn't been told, he might not have noticed that they had come into civilization of any kind. The trees were altered slightly, to be made livable. The branches were thick enough to stand on, and the leaves grew much thicker.
"This isn't our final destination. However, I thought you two might enjoy some true rest under a roof," said Arthrin, looking back at the two. He had led them along for about an hour, and had helped them make good time. Kirby spoke first.
"Thank you. It's rare that we're offered a kindness such as this," he said, as he made every attempt to sound as formal as possible. Chance seemed pleased, though Kirby felt slightly foolish.
"It seems we are well met, despite my impression of you initially," Arthrin replied. "You should be thankful, indeed. You are a curiosity to me, as I'm unable to read your mind, as I can with most. For that much, you deserve rest."
Kirby grinned slightly, and nodded.
"Thankful we are."
Arthrin guided them to an unusually large tree, even in comparison to the others. He jumped to a higher branch, and began climbing nimbly. Kirby smiled up.
Don't you test me, elf. He jumped up, catching the branch, and swung up to the next one. He then began climbing up, until he was next to the laughing elf. The laughter had a musical quality, a bit like viola music, in Kirby's mind. It was rich and warm to him. He looked down to see Chance climbing up after them.
"It seems your friend isn't quite as dexterous as you, Kirby. I'm impressed, I must say. For a human you display an elflike knack for such things as this."
When Chance finally caught up with the two, Arthrin led Kirby and Chance to a branch with an indent on the trunk next to it.
"Simply push on the indent and you'll be in a small suite of sorts. It should fit your needs perfectly," he said.
"Thank you for your generosity. Will you lead us to the next city tomorrow?" Kirby asked, somewhat hopefully. The elf was kind and enjoyable company.
"I'm afraid I cannot. However, it is not far, and you'll have no trouble finding it with simple directions. We shall lift our spells from you as you sleep, so that you may pass unharmed, and with far greater ease than you would normally. You should reach it by tomorrow as the sun sets."
Kirby fell slightly, but he obliged. He had no other choice, it seemed.
"Very well, and thank you again, Arthrin. May we meet again under less limited time and terms."
Arthrin bowed his head somewhat solemnly.
"Aye, so I hope."
Kirby and Chance walked to the indentation, and Kirby touched it. The point where his finger touched the wood glowed for a moment, followed by the wood disappearing. Kirby stepped into the black. For a moment, that was all there was. Then, he found himself standing in a small room. Everything seemed to be growing right out of the floor, and it was all wooden. There was a small, natural window near a bed. Kirby immediately went to lie on that bed. Chance took another that was on the other side of the room, near the door. He looked white. Kirby grinned at him.
"Afraid of heights, Chance?"
"Shut up, okay? I almost fell off of a seven story building once."
"Scary, I must say. I assume you saved yourself?"
"I did. The chances were slim that I would regain my balance, but somehow I did," he snorted.
"Whatever. Do you know where it is we're supposed to be going tomorrow?"
"Oh, I have an idea, but I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"I could be wrong."
Kirby dropped the subject, and turned to look out the window. He couldn't sleep, so he took out art supplies and started sketching away. He drew carefully, erasing and redrawing, coloring and sharpening, continuing until the image was perfected. When he finished, he looked proudly at what he had accomplished. He had drawn an ocarina, but it was far more impressive than the small wooden object he had carved before. It was light green, with the pattern of a gold vine wrapped around it.
Should anyone actually happen to read this, I'd like to let you know that Kirby is my character, not the little puffball. This is part of a book I'm writing, (for the time titled "Violet Star") and I'm around a third of the way done with a rough first draft. For those who actually find this interesting, let me know if you'd like to help out. I'd like help designing a cover for this book.
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